In this brief email update:
- Pick up your predator control gear from Farrell’s Nursery on 14th May
- Join us to search for bat roost sites on 18th May
- Come and listen to a talk about the Hūnua Kōkako population, and how predator control has saved them from local extinction, on 10th June
Farrell’s Hub Day
It was a great turnout last month with over 80 people from across the area. Thanks to all those who were able to donate a bit to Te Ara Hīkoi to go towards pest supplies. We are back to our normal schedule next week of the 2nd Tuesday of the month with a Hub Day on May 14th – drop in between 9.00am and 1.00pm.
The bank account to donate is
Te Ara Hīkoi Trust
12 3023 0111364 00
Thanks to over $350 of donations last month – much appreciated.
It was great to hear of all the pest control happening and the stories of more native birds around. If you are coming and you have not got the Trap NZ app on your phone, give it a go. We can help set you up on the day.
It is now great weather for planting so get organised and pick up some plants from Farrells at the same time and check out some of their great deals.
Bats – Fielday
A bit more bat surveying has been happening, confirming that we are more batty than we thought. Bats are travelling up and down the major streams including Whangapouri, (just behind Paerata), Whangamaire, (500m upstream from Henry’s Bush) and Mauku Stream from Union Rd north to end of Findlay Rd.
We are organising a few bat fieldays to walk through bush during the day to identify what may be possible roost sites. The next fielday is planned for Saturday May 18th, 2.00pm – 4.00pm at 291 Union Rd. Dave Sutton has kindly given us permission to park in the Punchbowl Kiwifruit orchard area and explore the bush in the Mauku Tributary to the south. An interesting patch of bush that includes some large native trees and an interesting spring. (If the forecast is bad we will postpone to the Sunday – same time – and notify people via a facebook post on Predator Free Franklin).
Kōkako Guest Speaker Evening – St Brides Church, Findlay Rd, Mauku
Lenny van Heugten is kindly joining us on Monday, June 10th, 7.00pm – 8.30pm. This is to talk about her book – Stories From the Kōkako Management Area. A truly inspiring story of how the North Island kōkako have been brought back from the brink of extinction in the Hūnua Ranges over the last 30 years. This is thanks to the efforts of a network of volunteers and Auckland Council budget, staff and other scientists. Lenny will have books available on the night for $35. Bring some cash – an excellent idea to put some aside for Christmas or birthday gifts.
Looking forward to seeing you around!
Happy trapping, from the Te Ara Hīkoi and Predator Free Franklin teams.