Bait and trap day at Farrell’s Nursery, Wed 13th July.
We’ll be there from 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. at Farrell’s Nursery, 46 Pollock Rd, Pukekohe.
In exchange for your free materials, we ask that you register on Trap.NZ (also free), then get the app on your phone and join your nearest project. You can log your pest kills using your phone, ipad or computer, track your bait use and see if you’re beating the neighbours or not.
Free pest control supplies include:
• “Double Tap” rat and possum block bait. 2kg plastic pails.
• “Pestoff” rat and possum pellet bait. Large amounts of bait don’t keep forever, so get just enough for a month and /or share it with your neighbours.
• Rat traps – various kinds including “Snap-e” and “Victor”. Use at 4 traps per hectare at 50m spacing, plus in outbuildings.
• Possum traps – “Flipping Timmy”, easy to set, works out of reach of dogs and kids. 1 trap per hectare.
• Pied Piper rat bait stations – No bait can fall out. Protects bait from pets and rain. Use at 4 per hectare at 50m spacing, plus in outbuildings.
• Philproof possum/rat bait stations – The most effective pest control for larger blocks. 1 per hectare for possums, or 4 per hectare for rats.
A big shout out to Farrell’s Nursery for letting us use their premises, and to both Auckland Council and Franklin Local Board for funding these pest control materials.