The C.R.E.S.T. presents: BBQ and trap handout day
Giant trap handout and BBQ day on Saturday 10th April from 11.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m. at Clarks Beach Yacht Club, Torkar Road, Clarks Beach.
- Who’s invited? All the residents of Clarks Beach, Waiau Pa, Seagrove, Kingseat, and Elletts Beach. Bring a family member, a friend and a neighbour!
- What’s going on? This meet up is a casual BBQ for everyone to get to know each other. There are also talks from trapping and birding experts as well as free traps.
- How do I get in? Please RSVP to Paul at or 021 770 999
- What is the C.R.E.S.T ? The C.R.E.S.T is a community conservation group protecting the native wildlife of the Southern Manukau Harbour by controlling animal pest species. Our project includes trappers from Clarks Beach, Waiau Pa, Seagrove, Kingseat and Elletts Beach. Trapping rats, stoats and other pest species protects the many species of threatened wading birds that live along this coastline. This will also bring more birds, lizards and other native wildlife back to our backyards.
Come along to meet some fellow trappers, learn about conservation, pick up some free traps, and have a delicious free lunch!