Trap and bait day – Ōrere Point Hall, 24th April
Ōrere and Kawakawa Bay Pest Free (OK Pest Free) are holding a free Trap and Bait Day on Sunday 24th April 2022 at Ōrere Point Hall – 10am to 12 noon.
Drop in, talk with the experts and find out about different trapping methods, the range of traps and bait available and receive tailored advice about how best to control pests on your property, and receive your very own free bait and traps.
This programme is to resource and support local residents and landowners undertake pest control on their properties.
Speak to your neighbours! Pests don’t respect boundaries, and most successful predator control projects have started with a neighbour working with a neighbour.
And if you cannot make it on the day but are keen to start pest control, or need to restock, please email:
Caring for our piece of paradise!