Apologies for the late notice, but our energetic committee member, Andrew Sinclair has just returned from overseas and as usual, has hit the ground running. He has been in contact with various people from Auckland Council and been directed towards funding opportunities that need to be in by the end of the week.
So, a joint Patumahoe Village Inc & Whakaupoko Landcare committee meeting is to be held tomorrow night to go over some ideas.
Time: 7.15pm
Place: Andrew & Louise Sinclair’s home, 89c Baldhill Road
Who: All welcome
1. Purpose:
To establish budget requirements for various projects from both PVI and Whakaupoko Landcare for the next 12 months that relate to possible funding support via Auckland Council and the Local Board. (We have just been made aware of a requirement to have this sorted before the end of this month).
This includes a funding application request from Patumahoe Heritage group for purchase of computer hardware and office furniture for their archive and collation project, to run in line with Patumahoe School’s next reunion.
Some brief background of any projects / ideas along with a budget estimate for the next 12 months. (The projects can be longer than 12 months).
Also if time permits for each group to establh a framework of meeting dates etc for the next year.