WATCH: “What Schools Can Do Towards Predator-Free NZ 2050” – Otaua Rat Rangers

Pestival Webinar Replay: The Otaua Rat Rangers (at Otaua Primary School) are a great example of how we can get the next generation onboard with the vision and goal of a Predator-Free NZ by 2050. After all, it’s these kids who are going to have to keep the momentum going as they grow up over […]

WATCH: “Recovering Native Bird Species – How to make a difference by starting on your own property” – Lenny & Willow van Heugten

Pestival Webinar Replay: Hear from Lenny and Willow van Heugten about the Kōkako Management Area in the Hunua Ranges, and how local Hunua residents can contribute to the success of this programme by taking steps to control predators on their properties. Be inspired, and learn about the options you have for predator control on your […]

Dabchick vs Ferret

We’ve been lucky enough to have a Dabchick nesting on one of the ponds around Whiriwhiri. They’re a cool little bird, renowned for carrying their young on their back’s. They’re not renowned for being able to defend themselves from death machines like cats and mustelids. With an estimated 2,000 of these left they are considered […]