At Martyn Wright Rd in Mauku we have a sighting from Duncan and his wife of a tomtit but no photo yet to confirm.
Tomtits are in the Waitakeres and Hunua’s and apparently in bush behind Onewhero. We are keen to learn of more sightings. They are relatively common in forest areas but rare in open farmland areas.
They are susceptible to ship rats and it will be great if they can be brought back into this area. There is a link below to the BirdsNZ web site for further information. As well as tomtits people are reporting more kaka around.
Also over the last few years at least 2 people have reported seeing our native falcon, (Karearea) in Patumahoe and Pukekohe. Keen to hear of other sightings.
We live in Otau Mountain Rd Clevedon and for the last few weeks we have been visited regularly by a flock of 4 kaka. They were around last year but I wrongly thought they were rogue cockatoo but on checking their song realised to my delight that they were indeed Kaka. I spoke with NZ forest and bird who mentioned that there is an increasing number of this species in the Hunua ranges so this is wonderful news. It’s obvious that the recent poisoning campaign in the area has had a drastic effect on vermin .
That is great news. They seem to be increasing right across Franklin where trapping and baiting is happening. Patumahoe has regulars, we have four in residence at Whiriwhiri on the West Coast which have only been present for extended periods over the last two years.