Smart Cage – Maintenance, tips and tricks

How do I monitor my smart trap remotely? Monitoring a smart cage with the Wheronet sensor is done via the app. Please see the following document for details. How to monitor your smart cage How do I move my Smart Cage? Moving the Smart Cage in the app is very easy, instructions can […]

Raising an Eco-kid

As an initial disclaimer, I do not claim to be a parent. I do claim to be a ‘grown-up’ eco-kid. The following are things I experienced during my childhood that directly influence my actions and decisions as an adult. I was raised to be aware of my surroundings, to respect the Earth which we borrow […]

Whakaupoko 6km Volcano Discovery Walk

Whakaupoko 6km Volcano Discovery Walk Come and see some stunning scenery, learn more about our environment and get in some training before the Mauku School fun run the following weekend. Saturday March 7th 8.30am – 12.00. Pot luck bbq / lunch afterwards. Start & Finish – 89c Bald Hill Rd. (Andrew & Louise Sinclair’s property). […]

Battle of Titi Hill – Commemorative walk – 20 October 2013

Patumahoe Village Inc and St Brides Anglican Church in collaboration with local Iwi would like to invite you to join us on a Historic Walk & Commemoration of the Battle of Titi Hill 150 years ago. When: Sunday October 20th, 1.00 – 4.00pm Where: Park at Bald Hill Rd on the side of the road […]

Dave Puflett – Te ara O Whangamaire – Working bee next Sunday

Dear all While many of you will already be aware, the sudden death of Dave Pufflet, the coordinator of Whakaupoko Landcare has come as a shock to us all. We have lost a truly great friend our thoughts are with his awesome family. Puff was coordinating the grand opening of our new walkway (Te Ara […]