To Members and Friends of the Whakaupoko West Franklin Landcare Group
You are receiving this email to let you know that we are holding our AGM on Monday 9th October at 7.00pm. The venue is the St Brides Church Hall, Findlay Rd.
You are welcome to attend, and we look forward to seeing you there.
At this stage we have not scheduled a guest speaker, but it will be good to have a catch up. Hub days are back up and running. There has been quite a bit of tree planting and trails work happening across the wider area.
Please note any questions on the 2022-2023 Financial Statements are to be with Cameron Smith by the 20 September 2023. Email so that an answer can be found. This will be tabled at the AGM.
Please find attached:
- Minutes of the 2022 AGM
- Treasurers Report
- Financial Statements prepared by Hunter Withers Accountants.
- Copy in the Incorporated Society’s Certificate.
Debbie Turner