Kia ora !
Heading towards a Predator Free Franklin?
Tāwhiti Smart Cages
We are excited to have our Tāwhiti Smart Cages ready for sale! The beauty of the Tāwhiti Smart Cages is that they allows you to target multiple species, with a single trap, they are an automatic lure dispenser, so your trap is freshly baited every single day, and they are electronically monitored, so you are alerted every the trap is sprung. Landowners using the Tāwhiti Smart Cages report far great catch rates, with far less input from them. Come and check out how they work at the Pest Education Day.
Interested in getting a Tāwhiti Smart Cages for your property? Have a chat to us about a discounted price offered via local landcare folk.
What else is happening in our area?
Manukau Lowlands Project
Thanks to funding from Auckland Council contractors have been carrying out possum control on a number of properties in the Manukau Lowlands area.
The council funded projected has now ended but we are looking to help out landowners expand on the good mahi done to not only control possum, but rats, mustelids and feral cats as well. Some of the bait stations used initially may need repositioning as most have been placed up very high, and research shows for instance that an increase to 1m above ground with a bait station location, halves rat interaction. To assist with rat interaction and where stock, dog and young child interaction is not an issue, a lower height can be used. Live in this area? Live in this area and keen to be part of this project? Get in touch!
Bats – Long Tailed Peka Peka
Much has been happening towards bat research in our rohe!
Over 50 bat roosts have been identified and hundreds of bat passes recorded in 3 main areas around Martyn Wright Rd, Bald Hill Rd and Masters Rd. This is really exciting for Franklin, with bat passes recorded here higher than counts in the Waitakere Ranges! We are particularly keen to help out landowners with pest control in 5km buffer zones around these areas. More research is planned which will include placing tiny transmitters on bats to see where they travel and where they roost. Bats are predated by all the main Predator Free 2050 target species and therefore. Pest control is seen as a key step in ensuring their survival. If you live in these areas and haven’t yet set up pest control on your property, pop along to see us on Wednesday, or get in touch via email.
Jobs for Nature Scheme helps local landowners
Do you have a large property that you are struggling to get predator control set up on? We may be able to get you set up and started! We have been lucky enough to receive a significant amount of funding via the Department of Conservation’s Jobs For Nature programme. As a result we have employed local rangatahi and supported to further their education in predator control. They are now available to assist landowners across the Franklin area. The team are able to offer a free service helping to set up effective predator control on your property and give advice on trapping methods. From helping to install bait and trap lines, set you up and educate you on Trap.NZ, and show you how our Tāwhiti Smart Cages work. If you would like to enquire as to whether your property may be a candidate for support, please email the programme manager: Colin Pukeiti