Pest News from Friends of Te Wairoa

Kia Ora trappers, and welcome to the new members of our Wairoa river catchment pest control team. Alongside this newsletter, a friendly reminder to check, reset and rebait those pest eradication devices around your property, and send in your latest catch numbers. It may also be a time to review placement and spacing of traps. […]

Hugo McPhail: A Dose of Inspiration

Predator Free 2050 was always an ambitious goal, but bit by bit we are hearing regional success stories that make it seem increasingly possible. 2050 is still 30 years away, and when you think about it like that, you begin to realise that it is the younger generation that will be completing the task that […] – A How To Guide

A live map showing pests caught in your area, and where neighbouring properties are trapping so that you can space traps accordingly – wouldn’t that be the dream? The dream exists. And we, at Friends of Te Wairoa, are beginning to use it. Please accept this as an invitation to download Trap.NZ free from the […]


At university I learnt a valuable concept – in order to be successful, conservation must be a multi-disciplinary system. Conservation (or environmental science) is not just a science. We need environmental lawyers, engineers, artists, musicians, politicians, builders… Which is where the pest control hardware suppliers at Connovation fit in – Conservation by Innovation. They employ […]

Backyard Pest Control

Obviously, the greatest threat to our native plants and animals in New Zealand are introduced pests such as stoats (Mustela erminea), possums (Trichsurus vulpecula), rats (Rattus spp.), mice (Mus musculus) and HEDGEHOGS (Erinaceus europaeus occidentalis), alongside feral cats (Felis catus) and unruly dogs (Canis lupus familiaris). In 2016, our government announced Predator Free 2050, an ambitious […]